The Land of Kimberly

An insight into my mind and what is going through it on a random basis (notice the random - no promises to update and post at any regular frequency)

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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Pictures from home....

Well, its that time of year when I start to get homesick and miss my family. In the past 14 years, I have spent exactly 4 of my birthdays with my family. The misses includes all of my birthdays in high school including my sweet sixteenth. The three that I spent were during my college years, and I vaguely remember them as being filled with long hours working. My 23rd was celebrated in Ireland, my 25th in Brussels. Due to my sisters wedding, I celebrated last years birthday surrounded by 100+ members of my family at a family reunion on the day (talk about family overkill!). So here we are at number 27, and I am still away from home, family and friends. Being the long weekend, the town is empty - all of my Brussels friends are out and about - Gil and Laura are in Austria, Zori and Vanessa are at the coast in France, Suzy and Vic are down in Alsace-Lorraine, and Tommy has gone MIA - perhaps hes already shipped back to the US...not really sure since he never called to say what was up. Bummer of a weekend! No going out to celebrate my last nights as a young Miss of Twenty Six! I will go to dinner on the day (Monday) with Zori, and probably out for drinks afterwards...I hope that they do not expect me to be in bright and early on Tuesday!!

Okay, in an effort to cheer myself, here are some pics from when I was home:

Ooooh Yarn!!! Bekky & Aunt Kim
Miss Megan playing with some abandoned my addiction catching?? & Teaching Miss Bekky to knit as she 'helps' me with the scarf I was making for her!

Me & Mum Me & Dad
Me & my parents - love the farmers tan on my arm!!

Andrews not spoiled at all.... Straw anyone?First a picture of Master Andrew and his "haul" from Burger King....what kid really needs the whole collection of Star War toys?? Second - grab a straw and join the fun of drinking Coke...the more the merrier!

Grams & Me
Heres a picture of a truely special lady - my wonderful Grandmother!


  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger blogdog said…

    Happy birthday anyway, Kimberly. Glad you posted some pictures of your family -- that can't help but cheer you up!

  • At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice pictures from home. Darn but your Mom & Dad sure are nice looking people. Lots of FUN too.


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