I freely admit it...I've been neglecting this blog a little bit lately! I hate to double post to both of my blogs because there are a few who read the two - why should they have to read everything twice??
To re-cap recent events! I spent a week in Lessines Belgium doing a condensed training course on several Cognos applications, including Upfront, Transformer and Power Point. Rather informative and very useful to learn about.
My friend Russ came to visit from London this past weekend. We had a great time catching up and exploring a little bit around Belgium and Cologne Germany! I was once again disappointed with my rental car and the speed cap of 180 kilometers per hour.....I was hoping to hit 200 this trip.....the cars passing me like I was driving slow sure were!
I believe that is all for now....will try to post a little bit more often. I've received several new postcards from PostCrossing which I need to show off!
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